Preface 2013-04-10
Much thanks to @Shawn B for being the temporary curator of this thread in my absence. I am back in charge of editing and updating duties of this forum resource.
Thanks again Shawn.
-Ben Fenner
How To Use This Document:
It is best to scroll through the document and get familiar with the headings and subsections. Then, in the future, you will be able to use your browser's search feature (Ctrl + F on most browsers) to search for a key word or phrase which will get you to the right section. Keep in mind that the correct, technical terms are used for headings but colloquial terms are added for ease of searching whenever possible.
Subsections (indigo) are in alphabetical order with the exception of newbie information subsections which always come first.
Links are placed in order of relevance and quality (breadth and depth) of information as best as possible.
Some links can be found in multiple sections if they are relevant.
* Denotes an off-site link.
If you come across a particularly informative or memorable thread, please post it here in this thread and I will add it to the list.
Also do me a favor and try to post in the thread if you used it successfully to find what you were looking for. It is nice to know if one has been helpful.
This thread will always be under construction and will get better and better (content and organization) with time.
Table of Contents:
This thread is a collaboration suggested by Cliff (based on NASIOC's version), started by myself, and expanded upon by Vadim and others. Hopefully many more people will contribute links to be added (just post them in this thread) and this will be an ongoing and updated list of most of the technical threads on the forum. This is not designed to replace the information library or the How Tos but is designed to give new members a one-stop-shop for most common questions and research areas. It should help new and seasoned members alike with finding relevant information and ease the burden on those who tend to be better at searching than others. It is also supposed to take place of a lot of sticky threads. Instead of having all tons of sticky threads in each section, we'll just stick this one instead. There still may be the need for a couple more stickies but this should help reduce the number of them significantly.
Since this Manifesto's creation, I've done another one for the BMW Z3 subsection of Bimmerforums.com.
Much thanks to @Shawn B for being the temporary curator of this thread in my absence. I am back in charge of editing and updating duties of this forum resource.
Thanks again Shawn.
-Ben Fenner
How To Use This Document:
It is best to scroll through the document and get familiar with the headings and subsections. Then, in the future, you will be able to use your browser's search feature (Ctrl + F on most browsers) to search for a key word or phrase which will get you to the right section. Keep in mind that the correct, technical terms are used for headings but colloquial terms are added for ease of searching whenever possible.
Subsections (indigo) are in alphabetical order with the exception of newbie information subsections which always come first.
Links are placed in order of relevance and quality (breadth and depth) of information as best as possible.
Some links can be found in multiple sections if they are relevant.
* Denotes an off-site link.
If you come across a particularly informative or memorable thread, please post it here in this thread and I will add it to the list.
Also do me a favor and try to post in the thread if you used it successfully to find what you were looking for. It is nice to know if one has been helpful.
This thread will always be under construction and will get better and better (content and organization) with time.
Table of Contents:
- Prospective Buyer Research
- Car Care and Storage, Insurance, and Vehicle Valuation
- Forum/Server/Member Non-technical ?eta Information
- Vendors, Retailers, and Classified Advertisements (Buy, Sell, and Trade)
- SR20 and Related Technical Information
- General Automotive Theory (Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, Fluid Dynamic, etc.)
- Alternative FAQs
This thread is a collaboration suggested by Cliff (based on NASIOC's version), started by myself, and expanded upon by Vadim and others. Hopefully many more people will contribute links to be added (just post them in this thread) and this will be an ongoing and updated list of most of the technical threads on the forum. This is not designed to replace the information library or the How Tos but is designed to give new members a one-stop-shop for most common questions and research areas. It should help new and seasoned members alike with finding relevant information and ease the burden on those who tend to be better at searching than others. It is also supposed to take place of a lot of sticky threads. Instead of having all tons of sticky threads in each section, we'll just stick this one instead. There still may be the need for a couple more stickies but this should help reduce the number of them significantly.
Since this Manifesto's creation, I've done another one for the BMW Z3 subsection of Bimmerforums.com.
Last edited by BenFenner
on 2018-05-19
at 10-33-11.