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Thread: North West SR20 BBQ JUNE 18TH

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2011-06-21 01:20:00
Wish I could have made it guys, had family stuff to do that weekend. Wish I would have joined this forum sooner so I could plan around it. Been a member of sr20forum forever but did not know about this one.

Well I have pictures of my ride in my link below if you want to photoshop them in since I was there in spirit LOL.
2011-06-21 05:13:20
Next year I'll bring the NX crapcan race car. It's darned near done... but by that time it'll have 1/2 a season worth of races on it.. doubt the sheet metal will still be straight LOL. If things go right, it won't have danfiveten's motor in it. If things go not-quite-right, it will :P.
2011-06-21 06:09:29
Maybe try to have another meet in the summer?
I could not get the cars done in time for my 6hr drive down.
2011-06-21 15:28:16
VE's rolling Deep
2011-06-21 23:54:02
Sounds like a plan..
2011-06-21 23:57:36
theres Blue Lake in august, its primarily a datsun thing, but they are totally cool with us bringing our nissans and infact have actually started to do awards for our style cars as well..

danfivetens dad puts the event on also
2011-06-22 02:03:12
Bluelake is in august, and your all invited. We know to stay a show u cant just keep having old cars and old farts, you need to bring in new blood and cars as well.
2011-06-22 18:44:13
Originally Posted by danfiveten
and i was the only b14 as usual...at least im unique i guess From what i know only b14 with a ve in southern washington.

I'm gonna try to make it out to the next one I'll bring my b14 lol... and not for long I'm gonna get me a VE eventually!!! hahaha I'm just poor
2011-06-22 18:59:16
But does kennewick count as south west or south east u be only in southeast and me in southwest lol.
2011-06-22 19:01:25
still wondering about those pics
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