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- All posts liked by Vadim
Posts: 601-625 of 860
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Thread: Intercooler piping ideas
Post: This is how i´m doing mine... it´s a n14, but it´s clo...
This is how i´m doing mine... it´s a n14, but it´s close enough to the B13 chassis...

2013-02-17 16:19
Thread: Timing Maps for Tuning
Post: Bumping this to remind myself to finally post up my own t...
Bumping this to remind myself to finally post up my own turbo timing map as it has stood the test of time and I'm finally comfortable that it is safe.
2013-02-13 18:30
Thread: Inner tie rod removal tool suggestions?? (Help)
Post: Keo Ok Vadim, as requested. Sorry for the delay, I ran o...

Ok Vadim, as requested. Sorry for the delay, I ran out of work Friday before taking pics (where I left the Moogs).

Outer thread length - 2.172 inches / 55.1688 mm
2013-02-11 16:25
Thread: Inner tie rod removal tool suggestions?? (Help)
Post: Opps sorry, forgot those :) (pictures may be a bit deceiv...
Opps sorry, forgot those :) (pictures may be a bit deceiving because of angle)

Outer thread pitch - 0.077" / 1.9558 mm
2013-02-11 16:41
Thread: Which FWD SR20DE is the best?
Post: In the end, I think it's about a lesson in " I should hav...
In the end, I think it's about a lesson in " I should have sold my GA car and bought a SR car"....lol
2013-02-11 20:08
Thread: Which FWD SR20DE is the best?
Post: The NX2000 was like the SE-R's butter-face cousin from th...
The NX2000 was like the SE-R's butter-face cousin from the trailer park. She could certainly do a few things better and was a bit more willing; definitely lots of fun, but that face! UGH!
2013-02-11 17:55
Thread: Inner tie rod removal tool suggestions?? (Help)
Post: I think Vadim wanted the diameter of the shaft (14mm or 1...
I think Vadim wanted the diameter of the shaft (14mm or 16mm) but I'm not sure which threaded end he wanted you to measure.

While you're at it, can you just head on down to the local Italian bak...
2013-02-07 19:54
Thread: Inner tie rod removal tool suggestions?? (Help)
Post: Vad here are the pictures you requested. You are looki...
Vad here are the pictures you requested.

You are looking at:
- 11"/279.400 mm for the total length (excuse the primitive form of measurement)
- 1.148"/29.159 mm for the thread length

2013-02-07 19:17
Thread: Manifesto for the Manifesto
Post: If I unstuck the threads, it's because they were linked i...
If I unstuck the threads, it's because they were linked in the Manifesto. :dunno:

Or they were supposed to be. :o
2013-02-07 02:50
Thread: Aeroquip Stainless Steel AC Systems
Post: Aeroquip Stainless Steel AC Systems
Aeroquip Stainless Steel AC Systems
2013-02-06 04:12
Thread: Aeroquip Stainless Steel AC Systems
Post: This is so awesome on so many levels
This is so awesome on so many levels
2013-02-06 04:23
Thread: SR2013 in Hotlanta
Post: SR2013 in Hotlanta
SR2013 in Hotlanta
2012-09-27 21:32
Thread: Wastegate Issue
Post: Ah, sweet. I was gonna say. Wimp!!!
Ah, sweet. I was gonna say. Wimp!!!
2013-02-01 14:01
2013-02-01 11:43
Thread: GTiR vs Avenir/Blue Bird Dyno Comparisons?
Post: I'll tell you this much, the GTiR is the most diffucult t...
I'll tell you this much, the GTiR is the most diffucult to install! That damn bottom nut is enough to make a grown man cry, even with a Gearwrench.

2013-01-30 03:17
Thread: gtir and log manifold
Post: I use a oem gtir manifold over a log.
I use a oem gtir manifold over a log.
2013-01-29 19:39
2013-01-28 20:03
Thread: You know you guys want to see this.
Post: You know you guys want to see this.
You know you guys want to see this.
2013-01-28 03:10
Thread: How To Shim Your Valves
Post: How To Shim Your Valves
How To Shim Your Valves
2012-12-04 01:49
Thread: det vs vvl
Post: pointless thread, at the end of the day just use what you...
pointless thread, at the end of the day just use what you have.
2013-01-23 13:19
Thread: det vs vvl
Post: lol at not reading properly.....my bad. either way, still...
lol at not reading properly.....my bad. either way, still think vvl is a waste of money. if you want all motor and dopeness, go with a 3.5. THOSE are nasty.
2013-01-22 20:13
Thread: det vs vvl
Post: In an effort to avoid sounding like a dick, this question...
In an effort to avoid sounding like a dick, this question has to many variables to be able to reply with a resaobaly ballanced answer. No power goals listed, no idea of vehicle useage (street car, ...
2013-01-22 20:12
Thread: det vs vvl
Post: stock sr20ve are slow so unless you plan on dumping some ...
stock sr20ve are slow so unless you plan on dumping some good coin into it dont do it. boost is the best band for the buck. nothing like boosting a stock de
2013-01-17 11:13
Thread: new member from az
Post: new member from az
new member from az
2013-01-08 08:28
Thread: Whats ur TP with the car off "key on"???
Post: It doesn't make any difference because the engine isn't r...
It doesn't make any difference because the engine isn't running. TP=KxQ/N where N=RPM. When the engine isn't running, RPM=0 and since dividing by zero is undefined (and causes a CPU error), RPM is ...
2013-01-18 15:50
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