NOTE: For general Convention information, see this thread: http://www.sr20-forum.com/sr20-national-convention/49325-2012-convention-info-reunion.html
I've shared a map with you called 2012 Convention, Independence, Ohio.:
What you'll need to do with the link above I have provided:
First, click on the GET DIRECTIONS box.
It will ask you for a start point and end point. Please don't be specific; we don't want your street address publicly displayed. A starting city to ending city (Independence, OH) is preferred.
Choose your preferred route you will be traveling. After you've selected your route, scroll down and select "SAVE TO MY MAPS". Then, select the 2012 Convention Map I created.
Once finished, hit DONE. It should save automatically.
If you don't really know how to manipulate Google Maps API, please refrain from editing the routes, colors, pins, etc.
View 2012 Convention, Independence, Ohio. in a larger map
NOTE: As people add routes, this map SHOULD update as you refresh the page.
I've shared a map with you called 2012 Convention, Independence, Ohio.:
What you'll need to do with the link above I have provided:
First, click on the GET DIRECTIONS box.
It will ask you for a start point and end point. Please don't be specific; we don't want your street address publicly displayed. A starting city to ending city (Independence, OH) is preferred.
Choose your preferred route you will be traveling. After you've selected your route, scroll down and select "SAVE TO MY MAPS". Then, select the 2012 Convention Map I created.
Once finished, hit DONE. It should save automatically.
If you don't really know how to manipulate Google Maps API, please refrain from editing the routes, colors, pins, etc.
View 2012 Convention, Independence, Ohio. in a larger map
NOTE: As people add routes, this map SHOULD update as you refresh the page.
Last edited by Cliff
on 2012-02-08
at 15-41-06.