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Thread: Chat server fixed!

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Posts: 21-30 of 93
2008-06-11 05:41:18
Still doesn't work for me and I've tried it on a PC and a Mac. Weak!
2008-07-01 17:36:18
damn, is it down again?
2008-07-24 23:53:31
i miss chat
2008-09-08 08:44:12
2008-09-08 17:49:27
Originally Posted by sqd

2010-12-27 17:05:16
Where is the chat... i really think this could be useful on the site... anyone?

2010-12-27 17:16:24
Top of the page to the right of Members list
2010-12-27 17:39:48
This is awesome!

I'm a firm believer that a chat is a good way to build up community relationships, much easier to get to know people a little through a chat box instead of just through threads.

If I may make a few suggestions though......

How about putting the chat box at the top of the main page?
And perhaps have notifications pop up in the chat when someone posts in a thread?
The later being a really good way to increase site activity, few boards I've been a mod on all had this and it was very helpful at increasing site traffic.
2010-12-27 18:12:06
All good suggestions, but the problem is the way that most of these chats are implemented will absolutely crush our server. Most chats are done via AJAX calls, or basically every 1 sec each user who has the page open makes a request in the background to the server to see if anyone has said anything. So if you have 100 users on the site, that's an additional 100 requests/sec ONTOP of our normal server traffic. Our server is relatively beefy, but it would slow down considerably during peak traffic.

The chat server on our forum is done using the same technology behind gchat and facebook chat, and is much more efficient. Now if only people would use it...
2010-12-27 18:15:29
didn't you have a link that went straight to chat? it's blocked at my work right now.
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