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Thread: ugh. Wheel bearings..

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2009-08-31 02:44:16
ugh. Wheel bearings..
So the other day i was fixing my exhaust leak and had the se-r on some jack stands. Like any other car owner that cares about their car I like to make sure everything else is ok with the car while Im under it. Just out of randomness I grabbed the front right wheel and shook it a little. I noticed a decent amount of play in it, I also noticed that when I moved the wheel from up to down that it looked like the whole suspension came with it, as if the whole coilover moved while I was doing this. It started to get late so I finished the car and drove it home. I have not driven the car since and I am not going to until I figure this out. I know wheel bearings are not that expensive so I am not worried about that. Any ideas on what this could be If it is not the wheels bearings? I just checked everything a couple of weeks ago and there was no play on any of the wheels. What I am trying to ask is can wheel bearings just all of a sudden turn to crap?
2009-09-02 02:50:49
i know my driver side one isnt great and it has the same exact thing you mention. Check all your nuts to make sure they are tight but most lilkely its the bearings
2009-09-02 11:34:05
So, I put it on the lift at Nissan and we found out it is inner tie rods and wheel bearings. Looks like I have lots to do. Better start tearing it down.
2009-09-05 16:47:53
get the bearings fixed asap.If not,you will ruin the hubs,and need to find those too.
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