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Thread: Mid Atlantic Weather Outlook: Weekend 6 Feb 2010

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2010-02-03 15:18:33
Mid Atlantic Weather Outlook: Weekend 6 Feb 2010
Good thing we delayed the Mid-Atlantic meet in NJ!

According to work, we're expecting from 1-3" snow during the day, and 8-12" additional snow in the evening hours into Saturday. Expect an additional 1-3" snow Saturday morning into the afternoon.

Looks like I'll be stuck in the hotel room all weekend. Should have bought some snow chains.
2010-02-03 15:55:49
I am already sick of snow...............

Hmmm, maybe its time to finally pick up a turbo eclipse 4wd to have fun with and forgo my turbo SR dreams...........
2010-02-03 16:06:09
And another snow track is in the cards for Tuesday.
2010-02-03 16:07:07
Why can't we get snow during the weekdays?
2010-02-03 16:09:08
I hate all this snow,i'm in the middle of my swap and it looks like i'm not going to able to do anything till monday..It sucks not having a garage.I say pull the awd and go play in the snow.
2010-02-03 19:54:57
Man I wanna pull the maxima off the trailer SOOOO BAD! Weld the diff up real quick, slap it back together, and go drift in the parking lot across the street from the craft shop
2010-02-03 20:14:36
Originally Posted by Cliff
Good thing we delayed the Mid-Atlantic meet in NJ!

According to work, we're expecting from 1-3" snow during the day, and 8-12" additional snow in the evening hours into Saturday. Expect an additional 1-3" snow Saturday morning into the afternoon.

Looks like I'll be stuck in the hotel room all weekend. Should have bought some snow chains.

Umm, not sure where you got those numbers, it's more like 12-20 inches.
2010-02-03 20:33:09
Originally Posted by Cliff
Man I wanna pull the maxima off the trailer SOOOO BAD! Weld the diff up real quick, slap it back together, and go drift in the parking lot across the street from the craft shop

Do it..Make sure you post vids,and then trailer the wagon to the meet,leave the b14 at home.lol
2010-02-03 21:02:45

It's actually getting worse by the hour

Now those of us just north of DC are the bullseye, and they're calling for up to 36" localized, and 24" for the remaining areas north of DC. They're now calling it a blizzard.

2010-02-03 21:48:46
Originally Posted by Cliff

It's actually getting worse by the hour

Now those of us just north of DC are the bullseye, and they're calling for up to 36" localized, and 24" for the remaining areas north of DC. They're now calling it a blizzard.


Holy crap,i hope it doesn't get that bad overhere.Fawk..
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