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Thread: Seriously looking to move to Los Angeles

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2008-07-10 18:41:26
Seriously looking to move to Los Angeles

my friends tell me I'm nuts and that the cost of living is twice as much as it is here.

I don't care.

There is a girl out there who I grew up with, and we've always had a thing for each other and every time I get into a relationship with someone here I start comparing them to this gal in L.A.

Well I have come to the point where I realize I have to give this girl (in L.A.) a chance... well, not give her a chance, but I need to give "us" a chance.

What better time to do it then right now while I'm between jobs?

Ok, so here's what I need help with. I need contact info for job placement bureau's in so-cal. I am a telecommunications engineer (SONET and DWDM) I could git into a mid-level engineering position right away in SONET or DWDM. I would prefer to get into VoIP, but I would have to take an entry level position.

My passion however, is cars - Nissan's and BMW's to be exact. So above the telecommunications stuff, I would love to get a job in the automotive industry if possible. That is why I am posting here. Really though, anything in So-Cal would work! I am tired of dreaming about this girl. (She wants me out there too...)

anyway I thought I'd get this started, I need to get some contacts in So Cal..

2008-07-10 19:08:11
i can see if my brothers company is hiring. (sprint)
2008-07-10 19:28:07
I work in the network engineering department for a Telecomm CLEC and we're starting to get into VoIP. No promises, but I will look into it. Yes it's expensive out here, yes our emmisions suck ass, yes the cops are a-holes, but it's sunny 10 months out of the year. I love living in So-Cal.

BTW, what area might you end up in? Exactly in LA?
2008-07-10 20:19:04
thanks guys, do you want me to email you my resume? PM me your email address and I can send it to you.

psalm, I'm not exactly sure, but closer to Sara if possible. I forget the town she lives in.
2008-07-10 21:35:53
First find out what city she lives in. LA is a big area, it might be too far for you to drive with gas prices and all.
2008-07-10 22:42:54
i sent her a text message, she's usually busy at work and can't reply right away..
2008-07-10 22:49:27
ok I have her address, i'll send it via PM.
2008-07-10 22:52:52
LA isnt thaaaaaaaaaaaaat big. ok just kidding yeah it is. and traffic is a B*TCH!!!

I like San Diego a lot better hahaha
2008-07-10 22:55:50
i lived out there back in the mid 90's for a while. Between San Diego and Los Angeles on this little base called Camp Pendleton. So I knew my way around back then.

Where I'm at in Kansas is 15 minutes from downtown Kansas City (I know it's small compared to L.A.) but it's not like I'm on a farm or something LoL...

anyway, she lives near the intersection of I-405 and I-10, kinda close to Santa Monica...
2008-07-10 23:59:05
dont do it for a girl...you need to listen to LA'S number one male talk show...Mr TOMMMMMMM L. on 97.1fm lol...if your gonna move just make sure its for yourself and no one else man...but on another term..what do you have to contribute to us so cal guys?? haha jk
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