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Chriscar's Likes Received
- All posts made by Chriscar that members have liked.
Posts: 26-50 of 439
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Thread: BEWARE: HolyLight (username)
Post: Well lets see: New user with 0 posts + IP address from...
Well lets see:

New user with 0 posts + IP address from Istanbul + Crappy lowball offer + Asks for bank account info = Engage Banhammer

Thanks for the heads-up!
2016-04-23 18:31
Thread: What to do with my 400k SE-R?
Post: How awesome is that?!? Buy that car a beer!
How awesome is that?!? Buy that car a beer!
2015-09-22 21:16
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Shawn was up front with Merliss from the get go, and told...
Shawn was up front with Merliss from the get go, and told them numerous time that he wanted it done properly, to a professional standard. Merliss is WELL aware that Shawn is a high maintenance guy,...
2015-09-24 02:37
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Awesome news Shawn, happy to hear it. Like I said, I *...
Awesome news Shawn, happy to hear it.

Like I said, I *know* you'll get that car right, ain't nothing going to stop you.

2015-09-30 15:49
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to de...
I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to deliver the car with a used, crush bent downpipe.

2015-10-09 18:03
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to de...
I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to deliver the car with a used, crush bent downpipe.

2015-10-09 18:03
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to de...
I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to deliver the car with a used, crush bent downpipe.

2015-10-09 18:03
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to de...
I'm speechless that they thought it'd be acceptable to deliver the car with a used, crush bent downpipe.

2015-10-09 18:03
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Mark, -Motivation- As you read this, please ask yours...

As you read this, please ask yourself what is my motivation here? What would I possibly gain by being dishonest in my recollections, or accounting of my experience with the c...
2015-09-28 19:40
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: It's nearly if not completely impossible to replace the a...
It's nearly if not completely impossible to replace the actuator with the turbo in place. Realize that you're going to have to take it all apart.
2015-10-05 18:34
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: It's nearly if not completely impossible to replace the a...
It's nearly if not completely impossible to replace the actuator with the turbo in place. Realize that you're going to have to take it all apart.
2015-10-05 18:34
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Awesome news Shawn, happy to hear it. Like I said, I *...
Awesome news Shawn, happy to hear it.

Like I said, I *know* you'll get that car right, ain't nothing going to stop you.

2015-09-30 15:49
Thread: Escort Max 360 > Valentine 1
Post: Nice new toy. Valentine's arrow patent expired in 2012, s...
Nice new toy. Valentine's arrow patent expired in 2012, so it was just a matter of time until someone released a RD with arrows. At this point, top of the line detectors have plenty of range, and t...
2015-10-01 03:38
Thread: Noob AC, cv boots, oil pan parts questions.
Post: The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks w...
The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks with a ball peen hammer and it'll be good as new.

Cleaning up the pan rail and block surface super squeaky clean will take more time than ba...
2015-10-01 18:47
Thread: Noob AC, cv boots, oil pan parts questions.
Post: The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks w...
The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks with a ball peen hammer and it'll be good as new.

Cleaning up the pan rail and block surface super squeaky clean will take more time than ba...
2015-10-01 18:47
Thread: Escort Max 360 > Valentine 1
Post: Nice new toy. Valentine's arrow patent expired in 2012, s...
Nice new toy. Valentine's arrow patent expired in 2012, so it was just a matter of time until someone released a RD with arrows. At this point, top of the line detectors have plenty of range, and t...
2015-10-01 03:38
Thread: Noob AC, cv boots, oil pan parts questions.
Post: The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks w...
The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks with a ball peen hammer and it'll be good as new.

Cleaning up the pan rail and block surface super squeaky clean will take more time than ba...
2015-10-01 18:47
Thread: Noob AC, cv boots, oil pan parts questions.
Post: The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks w...
The oil pan is an easy fix once it's off. 5 or 6 whacks with a ball peen hammer and it'll be good as new.

Cleaning up the pan rail and block surface super squeaky clean will take more time than ba...
2015-10-01 18:47
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Mark, -Motivation- As you read this, please ask yours...

As you read this, please ask yourself what is my motivation here? What would I possibly gain by being dishonest in my recollections, or accounting of my experience with the c...
2015-09-28 19:40
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: That's the key point right there. And you can bet Shaw...
That's the key point right there.

And you can bet Shawn and I were racking our brains for 2,000 miles trying to square the fact that we both know you can tune, yet the car (at the time we were d...
2015-09-24 14:33
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Really? After the detailed posts, your takeaway is Shawn ...
Really? After the detailed posts, your takeaway is Shawn should have called Justin?

And that would have done exactly what? Would it have un-fucked his engine bay? Would it have made the tune all ...
2015-09-24 03:53
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: You've heard Shawn's side. And Cody's side, and my side. ...
You've heard Shawn's side. And Cody's side, and my side. You will hear Schoenholz's Fatboyse-r side, and Ostlund paNX2K&SE-R & Tim Rogers may chime in but neither of them are active on the forum ...
2015-09-24 02:55
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Shawn was up front with Merliss from the get go, and told...
Shawn was up front with Merliss from the get go, and told them numerous time that he wanted it done properly, to a professional standard. Merliss is WELL aware that Shawn is a high maintenance guy,...
2015-09-24 02:37
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Playlist link https://goo.gl/HiQ8Cz C
Playlist link https://goo.gl/HiQ8Cz

2015-09-28 20:08
Thread: Marsh Tuning and Morfius Performance
Post: Justins' reply is in post #2 http://www.sr20-forum.com/c...
Justins' reply is in post #2

2015-09-28 21:13
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