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Thread: Discuss the future of the national convention.

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2015-08-19 15:19:35
Last edited by 1fastser on 2015-08-20 at 19-51-29. Reason: unnecessary
2015-08-19 16:05:43
Originally Posted by mirrortints
I hear you, but the plan has always been to have a track day.
The difference being discussed is about us renting out the entire track for our group of people, or piggy-backing onto an existing, open-to-all, HPDE track day.
In the past, we have always rented out the entire track for ourselves.
With the last few conventions having the track day fall through, people are considering other options to make sure the track day can continue to happen. Piggy-backing onto an existing HPDE day (or partnering with another group that wishes to share a track rental either sharing time on track separately or all running together) seems like a logical proposal to consider. It will be up to the convention organizer to decide if that route is favorable.

For example, the plan to do a convention in Columbia, SC that has been floating around for ~5 years now has always involved sharing a day at Carolina Motorsports Park with another group (the South-East MINI club).
Last edited by BenFenner on 2015-08-19 at 16-16-25.
2015-08-19 17:30:20
Gotcha, whatever works. I'd still like to take my B15 around a track one day. Even if just for a handful of laps (civic radiator).
2015-08-19 17:40:17
I'm convinced that piggy-backing on an existing track event is THE only way to go for an SR20 convention these days. We just don't have the numbers we used to, or an ongoing track fund, which grew bigger each year. Those days are gone, and they ain't coming back. But track days are important, and everything should be done to maintain one.

2015-08-19 18:13:31
Originally Posted by mirrortints
Gotcha, whatever works. I'd still like to take my B15 around a track one day. Even if just for a handful of laps (civic radiator).

Summit point has track days almost weekly until late November, so a convention shouldn't be the cop out why you haven't made one yet
2015-08-19 18:24:17
Oh, no cop out. Car never runs. lol So, a convention is my yearly motivation.
2015-08-19 18:56:38
Since we're on the topic... I think parade laps at lunch would be a great thing for the convention track day. A lot of groups are doing it these days. You have a session during lunch where you can head out on track, keep it under 70 MPH or so with no helmet, no passing, and usually a pace car. Anyone can drive even if you didn't pay for a spot, and any/all cars are welcome (I have seen some groups charge a small fee, maybe $10). This can be your chance to get your significant other, or family member, or friend out on the track driving (or as a passenger) who otherwise wouldn't get the chance or otherwise wouldn't enjoy it. It gives something in the middle of the day for a majority of the other attendees to look forward to without ponying up the $200-$300 for a full track day. And participants don't really have to worry about their cars being mechanically prepared for a full track day, it's not much worse than driving down the highway. I'm told it is a great gateway to get more participants interested in a full track day who wouldn't otherwise. Take the tow vehicle out for a spin. Fill it with 6 people. Have some fun.

The venue is usually open to the idea as long as there is a speed limit/pace car and no passing. This means flag workers/tech/medical can still take their lunch.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2015-08-19 at 19-26-31.
2015-08-19 19:41:39
Typically, the revenue from the "Parade" laps go to Charity or back into the event. In our case, it can go back into the tracday/convention fund.
2015-08-19 21:15:38
Originally Posted by BenFenner
Since we're on the topic... I think parade laps at lunch would be a great thing for the convention track day. A lot of groups are doing it these days.

Parade laps can definitely be a lot of fun. I was at a race a while back, and heard them announce that the parade laps were going to happen after the testing day shut down at 5pm. I immediately stopped working on the race car and get my wife's van queued up to take out onto the track. Had a buddy in the car (actually a truck) in front of me shoot pics out the back, got a nice one with the van crossing the checkered line.

It was a lot of fun hanging back to get some distance and flooring it on a few corners, just because. I only wish I hadn't already unhooked the pop-up camper, as that would have made for some outstanding pics on the track. LOL
2015-08-19 21:27:03
Good point on the rolling photography possibilities.
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