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Thread: Some Questions About ABS

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2008-11-16 02:04:40
Some Questions About ABS
2008-11-17 12:51:13
Dude let me tell you this when I used to live in NY I had a 93 SE-R with that ABS crap on it and that **** almost killed me in the snow man. I was going down a very slight hill and about 60 ish feet before the stop sign there was a patch of snow. Anyways i started to brake for the stop sign and because of the snow the abs came on and i couldn't stop for the sign and a garbage truck barely missed me. I had to used the E-brake and turn the car sideways in the intersection to avoid the truck taking me out. Take that BS ABS off asap man.
2008-11-17 14:39:06
Even the best ABS system will perform poorly in the snow compared with a non-ABS car. In snow, you want the wheels to lock up. This eventually creates a buildup of snow in front of the tires which helps stop the car much quicker once it builds than if you were limit braking (ABS).
2008-11-17 14:46:31
Originally Posted by BenFenner
Even the best ABS system will perform poorly in the snow compared with a non-ABS car. In snow, you want the wheels to lock up. This eventually creates a buildup of snow in front of the tires which helps stop the car much quicker once it builds than if you were limit braking (ABS).

I kinda have to disagree with that because even my aunt's ****ty ass 02 Chevy Malibu's ABS was way better than my B13 was. My cousins M3 is awesome BTW.
2008-11-17 15:01:55
the 2 channel abs in the B13 is crap compared to any other car with a 4 channel abs system. i would not run a B13 with the stock ABS crap.
2008-11-17 17:41:44
keo thanks so much for starting this tread. i guess the next thing to do is take the system off....who is familiar on how to take off the system? thanks!!...keo good seeing bro.
2008-11-17 17:49:39
2008-11-17 19:35:22
this is how you disable ABS and it should cost $200

B13 Non ABS Conversion - SR20 Forum
2008-11-17 20:10:09
2008-11-17 20:30:04
Originally Posted by Scrildo
I kinda have to disagree with that because even my aunt's ****ty ass 02 Chevy Malibu's ABS was way better than my B13 was. My cousins M3 is awesome BTW.

Yah see, that doesn't make any sense as a disagreement to my statement.

As for your question Char about removing the ABS completely, I don't think it would make much difference as far as brake performance goes. I don't know for sure, but that's my guess. Brake system hydraulics are simple. If you can lock up the tires you've got a braking system that will perform just as good as any other.
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